wordpress quizwordpress quiz

Answer the following questions in ms word file and send it to this email.

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  • You Have To Attempt All Questions.
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  • You Have To Submit The Ms Word File On 5 August 2021.
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  • Submit Your Task File On Email Address: certificationcourses94@gmail.com

Q1. What is WordPress.

A. Framework
C. Programming Language
D. Operating System

Q2. What is Gravatar?

A. A Plugin
B. Globally Recognized Image or Photo

Q3. Types of post format available in WordPress.

A. 10
B. 11
C. 9
D. 6

Q4. How many number of tables in wordpress database available?

A. 18
B. 9
C. 6
D. 12

Q5. You can change your wp themes using?

A. wordpress_setting.php file
B. WordPress Settings
C. wp_config.php file
D. WordPress Apperance

Q6. What are the steps you can take if your WordPress file is hacked?

  •  Install security plugins like WP security
  •  Re-install the latest version of WordPress
  •  Change password and user-ids for all your users
  •  All of the above

Q7.What are the rules to follow in WordPress plugin development?

a. Find a unique name
b. Setup a prefix (related to your brand)
c. Create the plugin’s folder
d. All of the above
e. both a & b
f. none of these

Q8. Which relational database does WordPress use?

a. MySQL
b. Oracle
c. PostgresSQL
d. MS SQLServer
e. both a & b
f. none of these

Q9.What is highest privilege level in WordPress?

  • A. Administrator
  • B.Author
  • C.Editor
  • D.Contributor

Q 10.Which programming language is used to write wordpress?

  • A. Java
  • B.Node
  • C.PHP
  • D.JavaScript

Q11. Does WordPress use cookies?

A. Yes
B. No

Q12. What is name of configuration file in WordPress ?

A. header.php
B. wp-settings.php
C. wp-config.php
D. page.php

Q13. What is a permalink?

A. A popular WordPress Plugin
B. The numeric IP address of your WordPress site
C. The complete URL of your WordPress site
D. Part of your WordPress URL which you set

Q14. How many templates can one theme contain?

A. one
B. Max ten
C. unlimited

Q15. Where wp_config.php file is located?

A. Inside Admin folder
B. In theme folder
C. In root directory of WordPress

Q16. In which programming language WordPress is written?

A. Java
B. Node
D. JavaScript

Q17. What is the difference between WordPress Posts and Pages?

A. There is no difference between Posts and Pages.
B. Posts are entries listed in reverse chronological order on the site homepage and Pages are static
and are not listed by date.
C. Pages are entries listed in reverse chronological order on the site homepage and Posts are static and are
not listed by date.
D. None of the above.

Q18. Which one of the following is not a WordPress role?

A. Administrator
B. Subscriber
C. System
D. Editor

Q19. How can you get involved with WordPress?

A. Help in the Forums
B. Edit the Codex
C. Attend Word Camp
D. All of these

Q20. What is a WordPress taxonomy?

A. Tag & Link Category
B. Post Formats
C. Category
D. All of the above


Why WordPress is so popular

What is a permalink in WordPress

What is Category in WordPress

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