aurat marchAurat March

Why you should be part of the aurat march in Karachi this Women’s Day

The coming sunday is International Women’s Day and if you don’t have any plans, that might be about to change.

Inspired and fueled by women movements and struggles worldwide, Aurat March is coming to, but not limited to, Karachi on 8 March, starting from Frere Hall 4pm onward. Inspired marches will be happening in Lahore and Islamabad too!).

aurat march
aurat march

Women from all walks of life will be mobilizing to highlight a diverse range of issues they face and call for economic justice, reproductive justice and environmental justice. Men are also welcome, as long as each is accompanied by two women.

What makes it unique is the fact that it is a collective effort and not spear headed by any one entity; the flyer distributed by Hum Auratein (We Women) doesn’t mention any organization so it’s completely a citizen-led effort, being funded by small contributions from individuals.

An insight of aurat march Or If I say another look?

  • 1400 years back I was buried alive in the grave.
  • I have been sexualized since birth.
  • My age, weight size doesn’t matter what matter is me being a woman.
  • I am paid less because I am a woman.
  • I have to cook, clean, and look after kids because I am a woman.
  • If I am working women, I am officially available.
  • I am a girl cannot walk out late.
  • Rape means intercourse without the consent of the person be it male or female. And yes Marital Rape does exist.
  • Can you see yourself amongst any one of these?

What do you think, If a cloth is suppressed will it lose its ability to pop up when released?

Aurat March

This is what aurat march is. Few obstructive banners cannot stop our message.

Son of Adam are not all coequal. Some are tumultuous, thunderous and bolder, some are modus and demeanor. As the march.

However, these issues were addressed in the march as well but gloomed under the shadow of a few thunderous ones

Educate your daughters, wives under the light of our religion, not under Pressure.Remember pressure is reversed back, but light glows.

But, for now, let us all chant:

“Jab tak aurat tang rahegi, jang rahegi, jang rahegi!”

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