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The quizzes consist of questions carefully designed to help you self-assess your comprehension of the information presented on the topics covered in the module.


 What is a primitive data type in Java?

– A method to represent values ??that are so useful that they are an integral part of the language. 

Submitted answers: [ A method to represent values ??that are so useful that they are an integral part of the language. ]

 How many objects of a given class can be constructed in a program?

– As many as the program requires. 

Submitted answers: [ As many as the program requires. ]

 What is a reference to an object?

– Data where the object can be found. 

Submitted answers: [ Data where the object can be found. ]

 Does every variable in Java need a data type?

– Yes – every variable must be declared with its data type. 

Submitted answers: [ Yes – every variable must be declared with its data type. ]

 Suppose a particular data item does not use a primitive data type. What does it have to be?

– An object. 

Submitted answers: [ An object. ]

 How many alternatives are there for a single if-else statement?

– 2 

Submitted answers: [ 2 ]

 In which of the following situations will most likely no counting loop be used?

– Prompt the user until a correct entry has been made. 

Submitted answers: [ Prompt the user until a correct entry has been made. ]

 Which of the following is a reserved word ?

– boolean 

Submitted answers: [ boolean ]


 What method of a content pane changes its background color?

– setBackground (Color c) 

Submitted answers: [ setBackground (Color c) ]

 Which method will the program end immediately?

 Can the program put text in JTextField?

– Yes, by setText()using. 

Submitted answers: [ Yes, by setText()using. ]

 Which is the class for swing labels?

– JLabel 

Submitted answers: [ JLabel ]

 Which method is used JTextFieldto read text from one ?

– getText() 

Submitted answers: [ getText() ]

 What is an expression ?

– An expression is a combination of literals, operators, variables, and parentheses to calculate a value. 

Submitted answers: [ An expression is a combination of literals, operators, variables, and parentheses to calculate a value. ]

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